its mae fo shizzle!
A very warm welcome on behalf of my team ,
a.k.a Mustafa, Chongyan, Kieran, Tehjyis, Yeemae and Penny.
Im proud to announce that this team is the very first team to create a blog with a complete post!
Hopefully Mr Charles and Ms Chee would give us a little more for this.hehe
Well everyone asks the same thing,
what is college like?
well heres a photo to answer all your questions.
* Sam tried sketching me but failed.haha*
College is fun. It could get serious when you want it to. Friends arent always distractions and i love mine for being the best. The sometimes 'fresh air' could do wonders. Go out and find your inspirations, I found mine on the building top.
A picture that captures a thousand words.
All you need is to find the right company, place and time.
A million thank yous to Chongyan for creating this blog. Btw, you added the fishes didnt you! Its actually really pretty.