Saturday, March 20, 2010

Theo Jansen, Mister strandbeest i would like to call him.
He, the guy who brings things to life.
a person who create lives with no beating heartbeat.
a man with true passion.
a man with determination.
a man with strong believes.
and a man who hasn't forgotten or neglected Mother nature.
Mr. Jansen was born March 14, 1948, in The Hague in Netherlands.
He is a Dutch artist who builds large works which resemble skeletons of animals and are able to walk using the wind on the beaches of the Netherlands.
His animated works are a fusion of art and engineering.
He says, "The walls between art and engineering exist only in our minds." in a car companytelevision commercial.
He has been working for 16 years to create sculptures that move on their own in eerily lifelike ways.
Each generation of his "Strandbeests" is subject to the forces of evolution, with successful forms moving forward into new designs. Mr Jansen's vision and long-term commitment to his wooden menagerie is as fascinating to observe as the beasts themselves.

His newest creatures walk without assistance on the beaches of Holland, powered by wind, captured by gossamer wings that flap and pump air into old lemonade bottles that in turn power the creatures' many plastic spindly legs. The walking sculptures look alive as they move, each leg articulating in such a way that the body is steady and level. They even incorporate primitive logic gates that are used to reverse the machine's direction if it senses dangerous water or loose sand where it might get stuck.
He theorizes that one day the animali will be able to evolve just like the organic beings on earth: by challenging each other. The winner will absorb the loser’s “DNA” and continue to grow and learn new things. Theo Jansen says that the creatures will one day have muscles, as well as brains complicated enough to allow them to perform complex actions.

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